“The Market Will Punish You for Bad Discipline”

There’s a key to mastering markets.

Find it, and you’re on your way to having more time and resources for what you want most.

With it, you can spend more time with your family, take those vacations that seem out of reach today, or support that charity closest to your heart.

It’s a powerful key that opens many opportunities for you.

And the best part is I bet you already possess it.

You Got What It Takes

Maybe you routinely hit the gym even when you don’t feel up to it.

When a project is behind schedule, you put in the extra time and effort to get it back on track.

When the alarm goes off in the morning, you don’t hit snooze; you hit the ice bath.

You shoot hoops with your kid, no matter how tired.

You skip that bowl of ice cream even though it’s your kryptonite.

And you always make date night with your significant other.

That you do what you must, day in and day out shows you have discipline.

And applying the discipline you already possess to your trading is how you master markets…

Master Your Self

Retired Navy SEAL officer and well-known leadership consultant Jocko Willink talks a lot about discipline.

It’s the foundation of his entire approach to life.

According to him, you take one step closer to personal freedom every time you do what must be done, even when you don’t feel like doing it.

Paradoxically, consistency, commitment, and pushing through discomfort or laziness make you more free. They lead to greater control over your life choices and circumstances.

You can’t control markets. But you can control how you trade.

Control your trading game and chances are you’ll see more wins than losses.

The gains start stacking up. As well as the time and resources to do what you want.

I recently recorded a video laying out seven things you can do right now to control how you trade.

Follow them diligently, and before you know it, you’re a disciplined trader.

And as Jocko says, “Discipline equals freedom.”

Enjoy my video and take its lessons to heart.


Until next time,

Tim Bohen

Lead Trainer, StocksToTrade