Put In the Reps to Up Your Trading Routine

I’m a fan of routine.

Mine starts each day with a 4:30 wake-up.

This gives me quiet time. I drink coffee while reading the news to gain a sense of market direction.

I read press releases and SEC filings, check the Wall Street Journal and Barron’s to spot trends, and run stock scans to build my watchlist.

I work out and eat six poached eggs for breakfast to prepare mentally for the day.

And I still have time to build my trading plan before the market opens.

I stick to these routines for one simple reason – discipline.

Markets hate bad discipline. So, I do everything possible to build habits that make me a disciplined and better trader.

Many traders use New Year’s resolutions to build new habits and practice discipline.

And, with January wrapping up, it’s the perfect time to consider what you can do now to keep building those new habits and perfect your trading game…

Promises, Promises

Resolutions take a lot of work to keep.

Saving money means breaking old habits. And old habits are harder to break than new ones are to make.

The same goes for diets.

You also see poor discipline at work in every gym across the county. The first two weeks of the year, gyms are packed, only to return to their standard, committed crew by month’s end.

In fact, by the end of January, most gym memberships have been forgotten or even unused.

As an independent trader, you have different habits in mind, of course.

Maybe you resolved to improve how you analyze charts to learn what makes stocks move.

Perhaps you’re determined to hone in on those signals to reveal opportunities with the proper risk/reward ratio.

You know risk management is essential, but you still haven’t figured out position sizing, at what price to place stop-loss orders, or how to diversify trades.

You could be missing some market nuance, and you have resolved to figure that missing part out.

Or what you want most out of this year is patience.

My team and I at StocksToTrade are here to help you keep those resolutions to improve your market discipline.

We’re committed to giving everyday traders powerful trading tools. We’re also here to help guide you, mentor you, and keep you on track.

And we have a way to help you keep the promises you made to yourself on New Year’s Eve.

Throughout the trading day, my team on StocksToTrade Live dissects trades, uncovers new opportunities, and drafts trade plans that remove the emotion from trading so you stay disciplined.

Habits form through repetition.

And these live trading sessions help you put in the reps.

Reps Become Routine

The reps you get in attending StocksToTrade Live help you develop a routine that makes you a better, more disciplined trader.

And I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get those reps.

January is almost over, and we’re offering a special incentive to anyone who joins StocksToTrade Live webinar today.

Consider it my way of helping you stick to your trading resolutions.

So, harness the power of routine to transform your trading journey.

Join us at StocksToTrade Live for an immersive experience that’s more than just a webinar—it’s your gateway to becoming the disciplined, successful trader you’ve always aspired to be.

Together, we’ll ensure that your trading resolutions aren’t just promises but the foundation of your trading success.

Make every trade count.

I’ll see you there.


Until next time,

Tim Bohen

Lead Trainer, StocksToTrade